November 18, 2014
FHA Extends Program For Underwater Home Owners
The FHA has announced an extension to a program started to help borrowers who are underwater on their mortgages. FHA mortgagee letter 2014-23 describes the original “FHA Refinance of Borrowers in Negative Equity Positions” program started in 2010 which, according to the FHA/HUD official site, “provided enhancements to the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) refinance program that gave a greater number of responsible borrowers an opportunity to remain in their homes.” These FHA enhancements were designed, “to maintain homeownership by providing borrowers, who owe more on their mortgage than the value of their home, opportunities to refinance into an affordable FHA loan. This opportunity allowed borrowers to qualify for an FHA refinance loan provided that the lender or investor wrote off the unpaid principal balance of the original first lien mortgage | more...