May 16, 2014
FHA Announces New Credit Access Measures For “Under Served Borrowers”
The FHA has announced a new program to help under served borrowers get better access to credit to buy a home. According to the FHA press release HUDNo14-048, and the Blueprint for Access pamphlet, a new program will help with credit counseling and savings on their mortgages as a result of attending that counseling. “Today, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) issued its ‘Blueprint for Access’ outlining the additional steps the agency is taking to expand access to credit for underserved borrowers. These steps include encouraging a broader use of housing counseling. This week, HUD will publish a notice in the Federal Register for the Homeowners Armed with Knowledge (HAWK) pilot program to further incorporate housing counseling into the home buying process for borrowers using FHA insured financing.” The press release | more...