April 18, 2014
FHA Loan Approval and Rejection
When you fill out an FHA loan application, sometimes the hardest part of that entire process is waiting to get word on FHA loan approval or rejection. FHA loan rules in HUD 4155.1 instruct the lender on exactly what should happen once the loan is approved or denied. In HUD 4155.1 Chapter One, Section A, we find the following: “The lender is responsible for notifying the borrower of the approval, either in writing or verbally, immediately after receipt of the underwriter’s decision.” What happens when the loan is disapproved? Chapter One says: “When a loan is rejected, the lender must immediately complete • a rejection notice consistent with the requirements of Regulation B and, • when required, an Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) notice, forwarded to the borrower. At least | more...