February 6, 2014
FHA Electronic Signatures Policy
Recently the FHA announced it would accept electronic signatures or “e-signatures” on FHA home loan documents. These changes were announced in a press release and then described in greater detail in FHA Mortgagee Letter 14-03. The mortgagee letter explains that a wide variety of FHA loan products will accept e-signatures for many steps in the FHA loan process, though the actual sales contract will, at the time of this writing, continue to require a traditional signature. According to FHA Mortgagee Letter 14-03, “Unless otherwise prohibited by law or excepted below, FHA will accept electronic signatures on the documents referenced below (collectively referred to as “Authorized Documents”), provided that the mortgagee complies with standards outlined in this ML. –Mortgage Insurance Endorsement Documents: Electronic signatures will be accepted on all documents requiring | more...