December 19, 2012
FHA Announces Disaster Assistance For District of Columbia Storm Victims
It seems hard to believe that Hurricane Sandy is STILL making headlines these days, but on December 17, the FHA announced the latest round of disaster relief for Sandy victims–this time in the District of Columbia. That relief includes foreclosure assistance, rehab loans and refinancing loans. According to the FHA/HUD press release HUDNo.12-190, “U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan today announced HUD will speed federal disaster assistance to the District of Columbia in addition to resources being provided by FEMA and other federal partners. HUD will provide support to homeowners and low-income renters forced from their homes due to Hurricane Sandy.” The week prior to that December 17 press release, President Obama made a federal disaster declaration for the District of Columbia, which allows the FHA and HUD | more...